AV Expo

Articles September-October 2024

Setting New Benchmarks for Immersive Experiences with Rishubh Nayar, Christie

AV-ICN Expo Magazine team interviews Rishubh Nayar, discussing the brand's innovative approach towards projection and LED technologies. read more

11 Questions with Richard Jonker, Vice President Marketing and Business Development, NETGEAR

Seasoned Vice President, Richard Jonker of NETGEAR talks about the high-end technologies coming up in the AV market. read more

ErthPot Integrates St. Francis College with Conference Room Solutions

The feature explores ErthPot's team's efficiency and expertise that went behind integrating the finest conference room solutions in Koramangala. read more

Xtreme Media Enhances International Airport, Bengaluru

Xtreme Media installs Flex and Nyx Series of 2.5mm and 3.9mm pixel pitch - 13 LED displays at International Airport, Bangalore. read more

Exploring AV Trends and Technologies with Gordon Wu, Vice President, APAC and China, Optoma

Magazine team brings another big interview with Optoma to share the brand's focus on AV and innovation based on the local needs. read more

Empowering 'Loud & Clear' Innovations with Electro-Voice and Dynacord

Leading brands tune up the stage with latest sound solutions at the event hosted in association with their distributor Cavitak in Mumbai. read more

Designing the Process to Deliver Excellent AV Projects

Magazine team shares an excerpt from the conference session by Rhythm Arora, CTO, Qubix Technologies, discussing AV integration in brief. read more

Empowering 'Loud & Clear' Innovations with Electro-Voice and Dynacord

Leading brands tune up the stage with latest sound solutions at the event hosted in association with their distributor Cavitak in Mumbai. read more

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Ceeco Technologies Launches UVS-S01

Ceeco Technologies has introduced an innovative solution the “UVS-S01” - the first rechargeable & portable sterilizer designed for a microphone. It sterilizes the microphone through UV radiation quite effectively.

Although the number of microphones and its use is steadily increasing in daily life, the problem of cleaning the microphones still exists. While the dust etc. is easy to remove, germaccumulation and “MICROPHONE HYGIENE” remains a concern.

“In current scenario of heightened awareness of hygiene, we take a lot of precaution in our daily life to prevent against catching air borne infections. We make prudent investments at home in air purifiers, hand sanitizers etc. to prevent us and our children catching such infections. However, we are ignoring / not doing enough in our workplace and educational institutions and due to this, tend to get infected and carry these germs & viruses back to our homes.” Commented a personnel from Ceeco Technologies.

Therefore, for the first time, an innovative solution to sterilize microphones the - UVS-S01 is being launched worldwide by Ceeco Technologies. The product will be launched simultaneously in India. It is a product of E-best and originates from South Korea. Reportedly, this is the first rechargeable & portable sterilizer designed for a microphone allowing users to get rid of stinky microphone smells in just 5 minutes.

With its portability, compact design, battery operations and user-friendly features, one can use it anywhere. The “UVS” Microphone Sterilizer ensures germ-free microphones through UV radiation in organizations/institutions. It is an effective tool for sterilization of microphones in all places like Convention Centres, Healthcare Centres, NGOs, Offices, Colleges, Schools, Academic Institutes, and Hotels etc.

UVS-S01 Microphone Sterilizer is 99.9 % effective in killing germs and is certified by the - Korea Conformity Laboratory, a renowned testing lab of Korea.

Current Issue : Jan-Feb 2025




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